29 Result(s) ( Page 1 of 3 )
Human Activity and Gesture Recognition Radar
MOTIVATED, CURIOUS STUDENTS SOUGHT Multiple positions available on a paid, course credit, or volunteer basis for students interested in getting involved in a multi-disciplinary research project relating to human gesture and activity recognition technologies using radar. No prior radar experience required. Depending on student interests and background, specific role in project will be designed and level of responsibility determined. Potential topics include - programming and experimentation with a variety of software defined radio platforms - human kinematic modeling and skeleton tracking using multiple Kinect sensors - machine learning algorithm development for activity and gesture recognition - radar signal processing and radar...
Preferred Majors
Electrical Engineering | Computer ScienceKeywords
radar | human kinematic modeling | machine learning | signal processing | programmingFaculty
Sevgi GurbuzManufacturing and Measurement of Solar Cells
As a rising star, perovskite-based photovoltaics have been demonstrated to be the most promising solar technology for low-cost mass production through high-speed printing. The certified champion power-conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite solar cells (PVSCs) has been boosted to 25.7%, which is on par with the best performance of dominating silicon solar cells. However, PVSCs still must overcome a few obstacles before becoming economically competitive in the photovoltaic market. The primary challenges include instability causing reduction in lifetimes and lengthy annealing times limiting the mass production. In this project, undergraduate students research fellow will work with graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows to explo...
Preferred Majors
Physics | Applied Physics | Chemistry | Chemical Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Materials Metallurgical Engr | Mechanical Engineering | Manufacturing EngineeringKeywords
solar cell measurement | solar cell manufacturing | renewable energyFaculty
Dawen LiMicrocontroller based sensors
There are multiple projects that deal with interfacing of sensors to microcontrollers (MSP430, STM32). Skills in hardware and software interfacing are needed. These skills may include: microcontroller programming, PCB design, 3D design, sensor prototyping, smartphone programming, etc. Some of the projects may be taken for class credit in the research scholars program, some are paid positions. The paid positions typically are on time cards, but do not pay for time, but rather for the final result. Previous projects like this resulted in students writing papers and presenting them at various conferences. One project took the second place at student paper competition at IEEE Southeastcon, another took 3rd place (and a $5000 award) at TI Innov...
Required Availability
The End of TimeCourse Credit?
Yes - Research ScholarsPaid Position?
Yes - $10/hrFaculty
Edward SazonovSearch for Magnetic Monopoles and other Exotics at the Large Hadron Collider and Beyond
Student can get involved in the following aspects of the project: 1. Development of novel radiation detectors optimized for the magnetic monopole searches. 2. Monte Carlo simulation and data analysis to support the current and planned searches for magnetic monopoles and other particles beyond the Standard Model of physics....
Preferred Majors
Physics | Aerospace Engineering | Applied Physics | Computer Science | Electrical Engineering | Aerospace Engineer & Mechanics | Computer ScienceKeywords
particle detectors | elementary particles | astrophysics | monte carlo simulation | machine learningFaculty
Igor OstrovskiyNeural correlates of dissociative states associated with trauma among former foster youth
This MRI study will be examining dissociative states associated with a history of trauma exposure among former foster youth. I'm looking for a highly motivated undergraduate student to help with basic research tasks, including recruitment, assistance with eligibility screenings, and audio transcription of scripts to be used in the MRI scanner....
Lindamarie OlsonMachine Learning-based Materials Design
Designing new environmentally friendly and cheap materials for practical applications is one of the main challenges of our century. This process is however very slow because synthesizing and testing new materials take time and have considerable cost. Computational methods provide an alternative method to screen materials faster and circumvent the costly and slow experimental trial-and-error approach. In this research area, machine learning-based methods have emerged as flexible tools recently to predict the properties of hitherto unknown materials based on previously known information. The Szilvasi group is working on developing databases and machine learning-based workflows to design new materials in the area of catalysis, energy storage, ...
Preferred Majors
Physics | Chemistry | Chemical Engineering | Environmental Engineering | Mathematics | Materials ScienceFaculty
Tibor SzilvasiVarious paid engineering projects
We have a number of occasional paid tasks associated with research. This is a good opportunity to develop design skills. The availability and selection of tasks varies from time time to time. Examples include: - software design: microcontroller programming, Bluetooth stack design, Java/Javascript - electronic design: sensor design, FPGA programming - 3D design: enclosure design and prototyping - manufacturing tasks, assembly - assistance with conducting human experiments and annotation of data...
Edward SazonovDeep Learning on Geosocial Media as Volunteered Geographic Information
The position is about developing deep learning tools to analyze geosocial media data for various applications, such as earth science, disaster management, and transportation. Required skills: 1. Strong Python programming skills 2. Have taken the class on statistics and probability 3. Being Self-motivated 4. Good time management and be a team player Preferred skills: 1. Knowledge in deep learning and tensorflow 2. Knowledge in machine learning or data science...
Zhe JiangAsian Americans' Healthcare Service Utilization in Alabama
Job Description: Undergraduate Research Assistant Position Overview We are seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented undergraduate research assistant with experiences in data collection and literature review. The successful candidate will join our research team and contribute to a research project regarding “Asian Americans and Health Care Services in Alabama.” This is a dynamic and hands-on role that offers the opportunity to gain practical experience in research and opportunity to write academic manuscripts. The successful candidate will work closely with the research team to ensure high-quality data collection and maintain project timelines. Required Qualifications • Undergraduate student in a relevant field such as social sc...
Preferred Majors
Hee Yun LeeAlabama Shakespeare Project
The Alabama Shakespeare Project (ASP) welcomes applications from undergraduate researchers to undertake projects related to sixteenth- and seventeenth-century plays, particularly those a part of our current season. This may include any one or combination of the following: * dramaturgical research, such as the history and context of a specific play; script cutting and editing; pre- and post-show presentations; lobby audience engagement installations; rehearsal support; &c. * devise original music or choreography informed by the specific needs of a play. * develop and carry out ethnographic research exploring players’ and playgoers’ experience with and reactions to Renaissance stage technologies, including designing surveys, interviews...