1 Result(s)

Manufacturing and Measurement of Solar Cells

As a rising star, perovskite-based photovoltaics have been demonstrated to be the most promising solar technology for low-cost mass production through high-speed printing. The certified champion power-conversion efficiency (PCE) of perovskite solar cells (PVSCs) has been boosted to 25.7%, which is on par with the best performance of dominating silicon solar cells. However, PVSCs still must overcome a few obstacles before becoming economically competitive in the photovoltaic market. The primary challenges include instability causing reduction in lifetimes and lengthy annealing times limiting the mass production. In this project, undergraduate students research fellow will work with graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows to explo...

Required Availability
The End of Time
Course Credit?
Yes - ECE 399 - 017
Paid Position?