4 Result(s)
Human Activity and Gesture Recognition Radar
MOTIVATED, CURIOUS STUDENTS SOUGHT Multiple positions available on a paid, course credit, or volunteer basis for students interested in getting involved in a multi-disciplinary research project relating to human gesture and activity recognition technologies using radar. No prior radar experience required. Depending on student interests and background, specific role in project will be designed and level of responsibility determined. Potential topics include - programming and experimentation with a variety of software defined radio platforms - human kinematic modeling and skeleton tracking using multiple Kinect sensors - machine learning algorithm development for activity and gesture recognition - radar signal processing and radar...
Preferred Majors
Computer Science | Electrical EngineeringKeywords
radar | human kinematic modeling | machine learning | signal processing | programmingFaculty
Sevgi GurbuzSearch for Magnetic Monopoles and other Exotics at the Large Hadron Collider and Beyond
Student can get involved in the following aspects of the project: 1. Development of novel radiation detectors optimized for the magnetic monopole searches. 2. Monte Carlo simulation and data analysis to support the current and planned searches for magnetic monopoles and other particles beyond the Standard Model of physics....
Preferred Majors
Aerospace Engineer & Mechanics | Applied Physics | Computer Science | Physics | Aerospace Engineering | Computer Science | Electrical EngineeringKeywords
particle detectors | elementary particles | astrophysics | monte carlo simulation | machine learningFaculty
Igor OstrovskiyBiomedical sensors
We have several projects that deal with development and testing of biomedical instrumentation. Depending on the project, the students may participate in several related research activities: 1) Sensor design, manufacture and testing. Practical hands-on tasks that often need 3D design skills, working with plastics, resins and other materials. 2) Signal processing and pattern recognition of signals collected by our sensors. The sensors are used in the human studies and the collected data need to be processed to recognize events of interest in the sensor data. Either direction can be used as a credit in research scholars program or for conference paper preparation....
Preferred Majors
Computer Science | Electrical EngineeringKeywords
machine learning | bioengineering | signal processing | pattern recognitionFaculty
Edward SazonovBattery State-Of-Health (SOH) Diagnosis, Management, and Customer Discovery
Participate in one or more of the following: (1) NSF I-Corps and Customer Discovery Activities, (2) Data collection and analysis for Battery State-Of-Health (SOH) Diagnosis and State-Of-Charge Estimation, (3) Design and Fabrication of electronic circuits for battery related measurements, (4) Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML) algorithms development for Battery Management Systems, and (5) Matlab Modeling or Programing for Battery Management Systems. The project is co-advised by Dr. Jaber Abu Qahouq (ECE, College of Engineering) and Dr. Rob Morgan (The Culverhouse College of Business). Additional information details are available upon request by contacting Dr. Jaber Abu Qahouq at jaberq@eng.ua.edu or Dr. Rob Morgan at ...