3 Result(s)
Lactation Lab Research Assistant
This Research Assistant position is a voluntary (unpaid) position, although in some rare occasions it may be tied to course credit after discussion with the Lab Director (Dr. Jen Nickelson). There are expectations that the Research Assistant will participate in weekly meetings, give research and educational presentations to others in the lab, and conduct supervised research outside of our weekly meetings. This is a great opportunity to gain research skills and learn more about breastfeeding and infant nutrition. You do not need to have any experience conducting research to apply for the position....
Preferred Majors
Anthropology | Child Development | Dietetics | Family Studies | Food and Nutrition | Health Education | Health Education & Promotion | Health Education and Promotion | Human Development | Public Health | Social & Cultural Studies | Women's StudiesKeywords
Nutrition | Patient Education | health | breastfeeding | public health | infants | women's healthFaculty
Jen NickelsonExamining the multi-level barriers and facilitators to optimal sleep health among English- and Spanish-speaking Latina mothers in Alabama
Sleep is essential to overall health and wellbeing, yet not everyone gets an equal opportunity to sleep. Mothers, especially those who identify as ethnic or racial minorities, have particular difficulty obtaining enough, good quality sleep on a regular basis due to multi-level stressors they may experience in their daily lives. In this study, we will conduct focus group discussions to learn more about the obstacles Latina mothers face when trying to get a good night's sleep. As a research assistant, you will have to opportunity to hear first-hand Latina mothers' experiences when you co-facilitate these focus group discussions. You will also learn how to conduct structured psychosocial surveys on the phone and in person with these women. ...
Preferred Majors
Pre-Medical | Psychology | Social WorkKeywords
Spanish | sleep health | women's health | Latino healthFaculty
Luciana Giorgio CosenzoProject E-WORTH South
Hello, Thank you for your interest. We are tailoring the Empowering African-American Women on the Road to Health (E-WORTH) intervention for Black women who are on probation, parole, etc.., and use substances (https://ccnmtl.github.io/worth3public/). The work involves 1) meeting with them and other stakeholders to discuss the intervention; 2) tailoring the intervention; and 3) delivering the tailored intervention to a handful of women. The intervention in question also has proven effective addressing a host of other risks such as intimate partner violence and drug use. Duties may include: 1. participate in intervention adaptation meetings with women currently on probation and parole; 2. assist in identifying community resources fo...