3 Result(s)

Heterogeneous Catalysis: synthesis, characterization, and kinetics

Undergraduate researchers in the Harris Laboratory participate in research projects related to heterogeneous catalyst synthesis, characterization, and measurement of reaction kinetics. As much as possible, students will have their own independent research projects in addition to responsibilities related to multi-student research thrusts in production of renewable fuels, chemicals, and protection of air and water quality. Students are expected to commit to ten hours per week of research activity that will be guided by Dr. Harris and his graduate students. Students are also expected to commit to working in the lab for a minimum of two semesters. Students will prepare final reports summarizing their efforts, and present in our laboratory gr...

Required Availability
Spring 2023
Course Credit?
Yes - CHE 498
Paid Position?

Examining the multi-level barriers and facilitators to optimal sleep health among English- and Spanish-speaking Latina mothers in Alabama

Sleep is essential to overall health and wellbeing, yet not everyone gets an equal opportunity to sleep. Mothers, especially those who identify as ethnic or racial minorities, have particular difficulty obtaining enough, good quality sleep on a regular basis due to multi-level stressors they may experience in their daily lives. In this study, we will conduct focus group discussions to learn more about the obstacles Latina mothers face when trying to get a good night's sleep. As a research assistant, you will have to opportunity to hear first-hand Latina mothers' experiences when you co-facilitate these focus group discussions. You will also learn how to conduct structured psychosocial surveys on the phone and in person with these women. ...

Required Availability
Spring 2023
Course Credit?
Paid Position?

Determining the source of fecal pollution in Alabama rivers

We are seeking an undergraduate student to assist with filtering river water samples on a monthly basis, DNA extractions, data analyses, and general laboratory duties. This project will continue for 3 years so a freshman or sophomore student would be preferred....

Required Availability
Spring 2023
Course Credit?
Paid Position?
Preferred Majors
Biology | Microbiology
Julie Olson