Mapping Personal Finance Education: A Data Collection of High School Financial Education Course Standards in the United States

Required Availability
Summer 2025 | Fall 2024 | Spring 2025
Course Credit?
Paid Position?

The Mapping Personal Finance Education project will involve data collection of school-level financial education course offering standards in US high schools for the 2024-2025 academic year. The data collection effort is intended to encourage further research documenting the effects of personal finance education. Financial education course offering standards will be collected from online course catalogs and matched to publicly available data on school characteristics. The project outcomes include constructing a dataset for the use of researchers, developing documentation explaining how to use the data and detailing the specifics of the dataset, and producing a summary of results of the data collection for dissemination, including changes in requirements over time. Undergraduate research assistants will work directly with Dr. Madelaine L'Esperance to search high school course catalogs and document financial education course offering standards to generate a publicly available dataset for researchers and policymakers. They will also support data documentation and data analysis tasks. No prior experience in data collection or data analysis is required; training will be provided. The position is unpaid. Students should expect to work 3-5 hours per week, including one weekly meeting with Dr. L'Esperance. Research assistants will receive many benefits from this opportunity, including training and experience with data collection, data documentation, and data analysis. Students will also learn more about how state policy shapes the educational opportunities available to high school students in the US. Research assistants may also pursue research presentations and publications related to the data collected. Research assistants will be credited in reports and publications authored by Dr. L'Esperance. Letters of recommendation for graduate programs or job opportunities will be provided for excellent research assistance.

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