1 Result(s)

Bioinorganic chemistry of chromium/new drugs for diabetes

Elucidation of the structure, function, and mode of action of metallobiomolecules.The elucidation of the structure, function, and mode of action of metallobiomolecules via: 1) spectroscopic, magnetic, kinetic and biochemical studies of the natural systems and 2) the synthesis and characterization of biomimetic inorganic complexes. Our research applies biochemical and synthetic and physical inorganic methods to characterize the function and properties of metallobiomolecules (naturally occurring molecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, sugars, etc. that contain tightly bound metal ions). The presence of the metal ions gives these species unique magnetic and spectroscopic properties (such as color) that provide avenues (not available to t...

Required Availability
The End of Time
Course Credit?
Yes - CH 396/CH 497
Paid Position?