Heterogeneous Catalysis: synthesis, characterization, and kinetics

Required Availability
Spring 2023
Course Credit?
Yes - CHE 498
Paid Position?

Undergraduate researchers in the Harris Laboratory participate in research projects related to heterogeneous catalyst synthesis, characterization, and measurement of reaction kinetics. As much as possible, students will have their own independent research projects in addition to responsibilities related to multi-student research thrusts in production of renewable fuels, chemicals, and protection of air and water quality. Students are expected to commit to ten hours per week of research activity that will be guided by Dr. Harris and his graduate students. Students are also expected to commit to working in the lab for a minimum of two semesters. Students will prepare final reports summarizing their efforts, and present in our laboratory group meeting, each semester. Students, particularly sophomores and juniors (GPA > 3.4), who are eager to participate in undergraduate research with the intention of pursuing a Ph. D. in chemistry or chemical engineering are encouraged to review the laboratory group website and to e-mail Dr. Harris to inquire about current research opportunities in the Harris Group.

Special Directions

Please include your CV and a copy of your current transcript when you e-mail Dr. Harris, with files named in the format "<YYMMDD> <Lastname> <Firstname> <Name of Document>.pdf", e.g., "191121 Harris James CV.pdf".

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Contact Email
Research Website

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