Help improve STEM education of high school kids in Tuscaloosa county and statewide

Required Availability
The End of Time | Summer 2024
Course Credit?
Yes - PH495
Paid Position?
Yes - $14 per hr.
Preferred Majors
Secondary Education | Physics
Igor Ostrovskiy
physics | outreach

We plan to develop and deploy to local schools a physics experiment that will potentially be included in the standard roaster of physics labs in Tuscaloosa area and statewide. The student will work on the following aspects: 1. Help deciding what lab to deploy. This could be either one of the standard labs implemented with the off-the-shelf commercial instruments (e.g., PASCO Scientific) like the ones offered in the intro physics courses at UA, or a bespoke setup that could be manufactured at the UA machine and electronics shops. 2. Under the supervision of the faculty and the Science In Motion specialist, the student will take care of developing the lab, procuring needed equipment, producing a write-up (manual) for teachers, and organizing a pilot roll out at one of the local schools. 3. Incorporate feedback from a trial roll out and help prepare to roll out of the lab to the full list of schools that are participating in the Alabama's Science In Motion initiative. Estimated 5 hrs per week at $14 /hr

Special Skills

Physics at PH102/106 level

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