1 Result(s)

Evaluating Safer Walkers for Older Adults to Prevent Falls

I am looking for a team of students from a variety of disciplines. I would like the team to be part of UA Crimson Start-Up to assist with NSF applications in the future. We are searching for students with Business backgrounds to lead this effort. I am searching for Mechanical engineering students to assist with design components of the Safe Walker. Pre-Med students to assist with writing about the health impacts of falls in older adults and prevention efforts as well as surveying older adults and health providers. Psychology and social work students to aid in survey development and surveys and manuscript writing. Kinesiology students to provide feedback on walker design and survey occupational and physical therapists. The goal of this r...

Required Availability
Fall 2024 | Spring 2025 | Summer 2025
Course Credit?
Yes - SW 498
Paid Position?